Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fundraising Appeal

The Channing-Murray Foundation – located at 1209 W. Oregon Street, Urbana, IL – houses the chapel that was the venue for Rabindranath Tagore’s first public lecture in the United States, on November 10, 1912. The Annual Tagore Festival is celebrated every year in the chapel. An affordable programming venue for many local groups, the chapel is often rented out as an auditorium for various private and public celebrations. It has been in a state of disrepair for the past few years, and the Foundation lacks the necessary funds that can be used to make repairs and install newer equipment. The Foundation’s Board of Governors, the Tagore Committee, and the members at large have initiated a fund-drive to raise the necessary monies for the much needed renovation. The repair work will take place in 2016. The chapel/auditorium will be officially re-named Tagore Chapel in Fall 2016.

Donation in any amount is appreciated. Names of all donors will be listed on the Foundations’ website, and major donors will receive a certificate or plaque. Donors of $1000 and above will have their names inscribed on a memorial plaque located inside the chapel.

Channing-Murray Foundation is a Registered Non-Profit Organization.
All donors will receive detailed tax-deduction information on request.